Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Cup Runneth Over - My Bra Cup, That is...

I was very happy with my pre-pregnancy bra measurement: 38D. I outdid my gene pool, that's for sure. My mother, who can barely fill a B cup even at her most hormonal, used to always say to me, "What the heck did I feed you?" I'm not really sure, but I guess it worked.

Now, though, I have busted out of all my bra sizes and am reluctant to measure myself for a new one, afraid of what I will find. Also, I'm paranoid about wearing underwire bras because of the blog Claire posted on this topic and also because of the warnings I've received from my holistic doctor (Dr. Kim Millman). So for now, I'm wearing camisoles and Bella bandeaux for that much-needed "support."

The first thing to hit the wall, were I to walk into one, would definitely be my tummy, but I'm sad to say that my boobs are not that far behind. And I'm also afraid that gravity will take hold and nothing will go back to the way it was before pregnancy. Oh well, that's one consequence of not getting pregnant until 37, I guess. Not that I wasn't actively trying to get pregnant from 32 to 36.

I think the extra weight in my front chest is also creating some strain in my back - Daniela always says that the pain in my rhomboids (those little knobbies between the spine and the shoulder blades) are because my chest muscles are understretched, leading the back muscles to be overstretched. Which is why, when I go in for a back massage, she always gives me a chest massage. Seems counter-intuitive, and also not as pleasurable as a back massage, until you get a Daniela massage and then bam! You feel good for 2 weeks straight.

Which is also why, as of April 10th, at 11:15am, I am doing a face-plant down onto her massage table for another Pregnancy Massage. Oh wait, can't lie on my stomach. Guess I will slither onto that coveted surface on my side, then. Nah, nanny boo-boo, you're so jealous!

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